Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Lions and jaguars

No telephoto lens, this picture was taken with my iphone. 

Yep, we really were this close to a pride of wild lions.

Our guide was amazing. We were driving along at 20 MPH and he saw 
this jaguar to the right of the road about 40 feet from our vehicle. We had 
a hard time finding him even after we stopped and he pointed him out to us.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Climbing Girnar Hills

I woke up at the Leo Resort and had an urge to take a walk. No real intention was set I just felt I needed to walk. I met several interesting people as I walked up the road and as I continued to walk I found myself feeling more and more like the people looking at me were seeing their first glance at an American. I continued walking and then found myself climbing a staircase made of stone. Then I noticed that every hundred steps or so the steps were numbered and realized I was climbing Girnar Hills. I took this as heavens suggestion that it was now my next challenge and so I kept taking another step. Though I was a bit sick with a mild fever I decided I would never be able to live with myself if I didn't climb to the top. Something inside of me suggested I remove my shoes and refrain from drinking until reaching the top, and so I did.

Friday, April 1, 2011

A serious cup of tea

Tea is serious business in India. It is such an honor to sit and drink it with friends.

It's important to always observe a sober and stoic attitude when drinking tea.

Unless of course, you're in a silly mood.

There must be a word for this strange phenomenon; whenever the camera is pointed at me for too long I have an irresistible urge to insert my finger in my nose. :)

Mama and baby

One of the sad parts of India is the way the dogs are viewed. They are the lowest members of the community and nearly hated by almost everyone... even Ghandi. We all have weak parts, this is one of India's.

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